For LEADERship Ashtabula County, summer is a time of year for preparation. We’ve completed the past program year and are getting everything ready for the next year. This includes everything from preparing letters to our incoming Youth Leadership classes (expect them in the mail this week!), finalizing our Signature Program Class (make sure to send in your application), and getting ready to end our “summer break” with our annual meeting being held on August 2nd.
With our upcoming annual meeting, I had the pleasure of calling our 2022 award recipients. It really was the highlight of my week. I am honored to work with the recipients, and they are inspiring on so many levels.
Our 2022 Marta K. Stone Excellence in Leadership recipient is Judge Nicholas Iarocci. As part of his nomination read: “Nick (as he prefers to be called) has been a leader in the community for as long as I can remember. He gives hundreds of hours every year to causes that he cares about and serves his community with integrity, dedication, and zeal.” He exemplifies what it means to be a leader in our community and I know I look to him for guidance.
The recipient for Leadership’s 2022 Laura E. Jones Community Partner Award is Ashtabula County Community Action Agency. In speaking with Executive Director Judith Barris, it was shared just how well the organization adapts to meet the needs of Ashtabula County and how far-reaching its services are. I personally was in awe during a poverty simulation we hosted back in 2018 and saw the many departments that are hosted within - from the weatherization services to HeadStart and more!
We’ll be sharing their stories in the coming weeks leading up to our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, August 2nd at 7:45AM - 9:15AM. If you’re able to attend, please RSVP today.